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Cortana Reminders

Design Problem

How do we extend Cortana Reminders for mobile and bring it to the PC and tablet for Windows 10?



Creation of new visual style and multimodal interactions for the PC & Tablet. Evolution of toast design for when users act on Reminders.


I started by investigating reminders as both a digital and analog experience. Early improvements were made to increase the overall UI style, to be more personal and to afford intractability.



Reminders remains one of the cornerstones of Cortana’s unique product offerings and merits more involved participation with design and engineering. Discoverability and satisfaction have both been high since the launch of Windows 10.

The beginning of a Cortana Reminder flow, innitiated by the user saying "Remind me"
As the user progresses through the flow, new questions that Cortana asks are highligthed as captured voice utterances are displayed
A Rollup of the task completed is shown to confirm that the reminder was set.
Reminders Home shows all Reminders, and breaks them down into categories per the applied trigger.
Reminders Home shows all Reminders, and breaks them down into categories per the applied trigger.
Early sketches of Reminders Home and some of the notification for Reminders.
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